4 research outputs found

    Peripatetic Shared TV Using Cloud

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    While demands on video traffic over Portable networks have been souring, the wireless link capacity cannot keep up with the traffic demand. The gap between the traffic demand and the link capacity, along with time-varying link conditions, results in poor service quality of video streaming over Portable networks such as long buffering time and intermittent disruptions. Leveraging the cloud computing technology, we propose a new Portable video streaming Structure, dubbed AMES-Cloud, which has two main parts: AMoV(adaptive Portable video streaming) and ESoV(efficient social video Distribution). AMoV and ESoV construct a private agent to provide video streaming services efficiently for each Portable user. For a given user, AMoV lets her private agent adaptively adjust her streaming flow with a scalable video coding technique based on the feedback of link quality. Likewise, ESoV monitors the social network interactions among Portable users, and their private agents try to prefetch video content in advance. We implement a prototype of the AMES-Cloud Structure to demonstrate its performance. It is shown that the private

    Message Endorsement and Informant Confidentiality In Wireless Set of Connections

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    Privacy and security to the information is really given by verification. Verification includes the certain distinguishing proof of one gathering by another gathering or a procedure of affirming a personality .But now a days there are different routines for confirmation, for example, Message Authentication Code, Signcryption, Key Aggregate System are developed quickly for better security safety measure. This paper attempt to explore how to give validation in remote sensor systems. Different objectives are to give a prologue to general security in remote sensor systems. As Wireless sensor systems are the purpose of consideration of various scientists with respect to the security issue in the previous quite a while. Message validation is a standout amongst the best approach to figure out an interloper who can trade off with the hubs and can access to the information and degenerate the information in remote sensor system. There were different systems have been produced to tackle the issue, for example, symmetric key cryptography and open key cryptography. Each would have their own issues, for example, edge overhead and key administration and calculation overhead and versatility .keeping in mind the end goal to take care of such issue we built up another Confirmation plan utilizing the elliptic bend cryptography .In this plan any hub can transmit n number of message without limit issue. This paper is to do review before really actualizing it. The Internet Key-Exchange (IKE) conventions are the center cryptographic conventions to guarantee Internet security, which indicate key trade systems used to set up shared keys for utilization in the Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) guidelines. For key-trade over the Internet, both security and protection are coveted. Consequently, numerous message confirmation plans have been set up, made on both symmetric-key cryptosystems and open key cryptosystems. Be that as it may, it has the constraints of high computational and correspondence overhead notwithstanding absence of adaptability and strength to hub trade off spells. The proposed plan is Signature and ID era, which are utilized to give high security to message going in Internet. This proposed system is an effective key administration structure to guarantee separation of the traded off hubs. Every hub will have singular mark, and every message going between middle of the road hubs have one key to verify. Message going between every hubs have a validation utilizing signature and key. This successful system will give high secure to message passing other than existing strategies in Internet

    Society Dissemination Based Propagation For Data Spreading In Mobiles Social Networks

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    In mobile ad hoc networks, nodes are dynamically changing their locations. MOBILE ad hoc networks (MANETs) consist of a collection of mobile nodes which can move freely. These nodes can be dynamically self-organized into arbitrary topology networks without a fixed infrastructure. A mobile ad hoc network consists of wireless hosts that may move often. Movement of hosts results in a change in routes, requiring some mechanism for determining new routes. Several routing protocols have already been proposed for ad hoc networks. MSNets can be viewed as a kind of socially aware Delay/ Disruption Tolerant Networks (DTNs). Thanks to the popularization of smart phones (e.g., iPhone, Nokia N95,and Blackberry), MSNets have begun to attract more attention. However, intermittent and uncertain network connectivity make data dissemination in MSNets a challenging problem. Broadcasting is the operation of sending data from a source user to all other users in the network. Most of the envisioned services (ranging from safety applications to traffic management) rely on broadcasting data to the users inside a certain area of interest. For example, location-based services (product prices, tourist points of interest, etc.) can be advertised from salesmen to near-by users. In this paper The objective is to broadcast data from a superuser to other users in the network. There are two main challenges under this paradigm, namely 1) how to represent and characterize user mobility in realistic MSNets; 2) given the knowledge of regular users' movements, how to design an efficient superuser route to broadcast data actively. We first explore several realistic data sets to reveal both geographic and social regularities of human mobility, and further propose the concepts of geocommunity and geocentrality into MSNet analysis

    Discretion Preservative Itinerant Health Scrutinising By Haze Succour

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    Haze-assisted mobile health (mHealth) monitoring,which applies the prevailing mobile communications and Haze computing technologies to provide feedback decision support, has been considered as a revolutionary approach to improving the quality of healthcare service while lowering the healthcare cost. Unfortunately, it  also  poses  a  serious  risk  on  both  clients Confidentiality and intellectual property of monitoring service providers, which could deter the wide adoption of mHealth technology. This paper is to address this important problem and design a Hazeassisted Confidentiality Conserving mobile health monitoring system to protect the Confidentiality of the involved parties and their data. Moreover, the outsourcing decryption technique and a newlyproposed key private proxy re-encryption are adapted to shift the computational complexity of the involved parties to the Haze without compromising clients’ Confidentiality and service providers’ intellectual property. Finally, our security and performance analysis demonstrates the effectiveness of our proposed design